6 Agu 2011

Hawaiian Flower Hairstyles

Think of nature and Hawaiian culture has inspired a lot when it comes to style and fashion. It inspires a natural look and we all would agree when it comes to beach parties and weddings, the rustic, natural makeup and style rules all. With hairstyles getting much more playful with a Hawaiian theme, accessorizing hair gets even more creative. And what could be more attractive than a thin crown or a vibrant stem of Hawaiian flowers clipped across a stunning hairstyle. Flowers are a simple yet most impressive accessory for any hairstyle. Moreover Hawaiian flowers like the orchid, hibiscus, gardenia, plumeria, etc., come in extravagant colors, sizes and shapes. Some even come with enchanting fragrances. This makes a great combination for an hair accessory to please your visual and nasal buds. For flowers what is important is the arrangement in the right segment or strand of hair. You can create stunning looks even with the simplest of Hawaiian flowers. Read on as we portray some creative options on Hawaiian flower hairstyles.Hairstyles with tresses flowing partially of fully can have a crown of flowers placed on the head. These can be small flowers or different flowers, with foliage woven in a crown. In case of a partial hairdo, where a part of the hair is tied, either in a bun or an up-do, you can have the crown of flowers resting on the top or around the bun in a circle or a semi circle. In case of a full up-do of hair, throw a few loose strands of hair, framing the face, and here the crown can be placed in a semicircle, like a curve from either sides of the up-do. You can also opt for a tiara like structure made from flowers, and place it on top, in the center of the head crown, or slightly away from the hairline.most hairstyles, it gets tough to use many flowers in a single hairdo. If you want a different look from that of a crown adoring the head, Hawaiian flowers can be beautifully placed all around the hairdo. For more complex hairstyles small flowers can be carefully included in the hairstyle, so the flowers look like a part of the hairstyle and not an accessory. Let a few strands of hair loose from the nape, and have a partial up-do of the hair in the crown part, a neat line from the crown exiting in the strands will look great. Few tiny buds pinned though thick curls of hair strands, can give a rich and gorgeous look. You can even have a messy side braid on one or both sides, pin small buds of flowers through the braid, or scattered on a messy crown, for a wild look.Placing a bright and beautiful flower on one side of the ear is a typical way to wear Hawaiian flowers in the hair. Be it a simple hairdo, side braid, ponytail, or hair let free on one shoulder, a tuck of hibiscus or another elegance of Hawaiian flower, is all that it takes to brighten the complete look. Placing the flowers just above or below the ear on either side is a common yet an impressive way to accentuate the hairstyle. It is a favorite way of styling especially for a beach party or a casual look. Let loose some waves or curls and lightly tuck a flower on the ear sideWe know of buns and neatly tied hair on top to portray a charming and sophisticated look. So how do you accessorize this style of hair, without disturbing its charm. To keep it neat yet with flowers, simply tuck flowers in the low sides of the bun. Certain hairdos too can have a small bunch of flowers with little foliage, tucked right below a high hair-do. If you have long tresses, braid the hair in a different style, may be a fish tail or a simple french braid. A soft line of flowers can be tucked through each knot of the braid, as it flows. So you get to keep the hairdo simple, yet with creating a style statement.