28 Jun 2010
24 Jun 2010
23 Jun 2010
Black Diamond G shock Watch!
21 Jun 2010
20 Jun 2010
Casey Affleck In The Killer Inside Me - Wallpapers
Casey Affleck, Jessica Alba, Kate Hudson, Simon Baker, Bill Pullman, Ned Beatty, Tom Bower, Elias Koteas, Liam Aiken
18 Jun 2010
16 Jun 2010
15 Jun 2010
13 Jun 2010
Chris Hemsworth -- the thunder god cometh, 2011!

The Mighty Thor was my favorite comic when I was knee-high to a grasshopper, so 'tis with baited breath that I await his reincarnation as a Big Screen hero -- but wait!
There's evidence to suggest that he'll re reincarnated on May 20, 2011 in 3D!! The short version of this story is that a fan snapped a photo on the LA set of the movie, where Kenneth Branagh is directing Chris Hemsworth, Anthony Hopkins and a stellar cast ... and there in the snapshot is a 3D camera rig!
(See the whole story here: http://screenrant.com/thor-3d-idris-elba-heimdall-mikee-53609/)
So some fantastic things come out of this: it's a monster movie ... it's more than likely going to be in 3D (yippee!) and it has some fantabulous actors, and a Shakespearean director...
But what about the star? What face are they putting on the thunder god himself?
Does anyone here remember me posting about this over a year ago? Click here for the original post ... and at that point we were wondering who was going to be Thor, and I remember mooting Brad Pit with the Achilles look.
I must be psychic.

And here's the rub, boys and girls: Chris Hemsworth is another Aussie lad! Add his name to the list including Hugh Jackman, Russel Crowe (and yes, I know he was born in New Zealand, but he became an Aussie a short time ago), Eric Banna, Sam Worthington ...! "Aussies Take Hollywood By Storm," I believe is the term.
Here's a bit more about Chris Hemsworth ...

11 Jun 2010
Robert Downey Jr. -- bisexual, or not?

Well ... hmmm. Okay. But try using using your Sherlock Holmesian powers of observation (in other words, OBSERVE as well as SEEING ... you thought that was a joke in Without a Clue, right? Wrong!! Arthur Conan Doyle wrote this in A Scandal in Bohemia -- they borrowed it for the movie) when you watch Robert Downey Jr. movies...
And you will see, if you actually trouble to look, his body language.

Therefore, 'tis time for Robert Downey Jr. to reinvent himself all over again, damnit, and be BON. Which is an acronym for Boring Old Normal.
If you LISTEN to the dialog in the first IRON MAN movie, there's gay and bi throwaway lines alllll over the place. Not so in the second, which was done under the threat (or promise) of a Disney hand on the tiller. (I find myself wondering how Disney will affect the overall integrity of the Marvel product. Yeee-ouch.
Here's the rub: Robert Downey Jr. could have eventually have been a gay icon, if Disney hadn't bought Marvel. Well ... rats.
10 Jun 2010
Brendan Fraser: a hair raising story in pictures

Brendan Fraser ... the Hair Raising Story! And yes, I know -- we all know! -- that Brendan has "hair issues," meaning he's losing it and experimenting with transplants and toupees and whatnot. But ... here's my point:
If you're going to wear a wig (and people have been doing this for thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians used to shave their heads and then wear wigs!) then, why not have luxurious locks? Why have a Bart Simpson Special??? Then again, maybe Brendan's a Major Fan or Bart, in which case opting for the "look" with your do might be the way to go!
Me? I still daydream about George.

...and what's not to daydream about. Brendan Fraser was never more gorgeous than right here, when you used to see him swinging on the sides of buses! Well, not George, actually, but the posters of George.

In lieu of the real thing, I guess most of us will make do with the posters, right? So here's my point. If you're going to be bewigged, why not have a real beauty?

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