19 Mar 2009

To Liam Neeson and family: our deepest sympathies

To Liam Neeson and his family: our deepest sympathy. The tragedy is incalculable. Natasha Richardson was not merely a beautiful woman ... she was that rare thing, a beautiful human being. The Neeson family must be utterly in shock, and not surprisingly, Liam has decided to put the career on hiatus...

Some very gentle, sympathetic and informative features are running right now:
http://www.reuters.com/article/entertainmentNews/idUKTRE52I7S120090319 plus
http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/b105172_brilliant_natasha_richardson_remembered.html and Neeson's Hometown Ballymena Shows Support

...What can you possibly say at a time like this? You wonder why. You wonder what you're supposed to learn from this. Heaven only knows.

Liam and family: our sympathies are with you.